Product Information

Below you will find some rare information about numbering machines and various machine parts.

The images below will help when ordering/inquiring over the phone - specifically for those 'W.T.F.' Situations. ;-)

Let me know what you are looking for or any questions that you may have - I can help you find it, or give you a solution!  (eg: Inquiries about Parts Manuals or 'How To' instructions about cleaning - Instructional video's coming soon)

Also Please Email me any other questions or solutions that you may have to various printing problems and I will post your knowledge/questions/answers. 

Letterpress and Rotary (Above) 

Atlantic Machine Breakdown Letterpress (Above)

Leibinger Letterpress Breakdown (Above)

Rotary Machine Breakdown (Above)

Perforation Rule - Missing 50 tooth Micro (Above)

Skip Wheel Configuration's (Above)


Creasing Matrix Chart

Matrix Instruction (Above)